Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Book 11 of 2010

Nice thing about travelling is more time to read.  Although  to be fair I have been working at this one for a while (reading a couple chapters a week between other stuff).

I liked this book.  It was a nice mix of practical with theoretical and theological.  One of my desires is that we in the church remember that one of the blessings we offer is that we are still a truly intergenerational community -- a relative rarity in the world today.  And this book helps in exploring the implications of that.

The one quibble I had was that I kep getting the feeling that the authors were envisioning a worship that really hasn't changed much in form and structure.  There appeared to be a desire to keep worship fairly "traditional" (whatever that means) and just make the traditional worship more "generation friendly".  The biggest sign of this was one chapter when the author wote that children can and should learn the classic hymns of the faith while older generations can learn newer music.  Why only add the "should" in one part of that unless your bias is showing?

This book deserves to be read and discussed within a community so that the community can ask where they are and how it speaks to where they may need to go.  Maybe an idea for next winter.....

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