Tuesday, May 23, 2006

MAybe Advance Planning isn't My forte

THis coming weekend is our Annual Conference meeting. I had never planned to go this year (for obvious reasons). BUt since it was a weekend when I wouldn't be around otherwise I thought I would take a week of study leave to get some planning and reading done. It was a great plan, a nice quiet week before baby was born and a chance to get ready for the summer.

Well even before Miriam upset the whole planning system the quiet week started to come apart. As Legion padre I was asked to take part in a special service this Saturday. Then I was asked to represent the congregation at a Guide banquet on THursday. THen yesterday I get a phone call and have a funeral on Friday. WHat was it that Robert Burns said about the best laid plans of Mice and Men?

ANyway, the book I am working on is Douglas John Hall's The Cross in Our Context:Jesus and the Suffering WOrldand I am getting some hymn selection work started. Looks like most of the summer I will preach from the Epistle readings this year. Durng the summer I like to follow one set of readings through (especially the Jewish Scriptures since the summer passages follow a main story). This year I thought I would challenge myself and do the Epistles. I am generally not a fan of Paul so this could be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I share your not being a fan of Paul--he reads like a bloody lawyer much of the time (oops! no offense, lawyer readers! :) ).
